Each city's costs will vary based on factors like utility costs, kWh used or time plugged in, and time of day. In general, this will range between $0.25 and $0.43 per kWh used. By this math, plugging in a typical EV for 9 hours overnight could cost roughly $13.00
In order to incentivize customers to make the switch from gas to electric, we know it is important to offer public charging at an affordable price point. And because we operate in the public right-of-way, we always seek to collaborate with our municipal partners in setting an appropriate price.
Our general pricing philosophy can be summarized as follows:
-We want our customers to pay less than they would for a gallon of gas
-We want our customers to pay less than they would to charge their battery with a DC Fast Charger
-We want to encourage customers to charge overnight rather than during the day